Det Norske Fløyteensemble (DNFE), also known as The Norwegian Flute Ensemble, was founded in 2008 by Jørn E. Schau and Hege Katinka Ludvigsen with the aim to establish a musical focal point for the flutists in the Southern region of Norway. At the very beginning, the core members of the ensemble were primarily past and present flute graduates from the Music Faculty of the University of Adger (UiA). But as the ensemble developed, there are more and more flutists across Norway are joining into the bigger family which some of them are professionals hail from local orchestras such as the Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra (KSO).
Jørn Eivind Schau was trained at the Royal Academy of Music in London and the Norwegian Music Academy in Oslo. He has served with the major Norwegian orchestras, and was affiliated with the Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra for several years. He is a full time Associate Professor at the University of Agder, and has also held teaching posts at the University of Tromsø and the University of Trondheim.